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Wednesday 14 June 2017

Sokoto State To Spend N91 million On Prayers For Buhari

The Sokoto State Government has reportedly dished out the sum of N91 million in order to facilitate prayers for the President, Muhammadu Buhari who is currently in the United Kingdom on account of his health.
The state government through the Commissioner for Religious Affairs, Alhaji Mani Katami, revealed on Tuesday that it would be sponsoring 90 Islamic clerics to Mecca, Saudi Arabia with N91 million.
Katami while addressing clerics tracelling to the Holy Land to perform lesser Hajj further revealed each of the benefitting clerics was entitled to a Basic Travelling Allowance, BTA, estimated at N250,000.
He further urged the clerics travelling for the lesser Hajj to pray for the quick recovery of the president as he said the move by the state government is aimed at enabling the president “come back to Nigeria to continue with the good work he is doing for the country.”

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